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NHS Ombudsman Reports Urgent Changes Needed

Last week a report from the from the UK National Health Service (NHS) ombudsman warned that sepsis is still killing too many patients. The report details avoidable mistakes and makes recommendations to improve patient safety. Read the full article from the Guardian.

Sepsis Australia Program Head, Associate Professor Naomi Hammond commented:

“The parliamentary and health service ombudsman (PHSO) report of sepsis cases in the NHS is an all too familiar story across healthcare settings globally. In an effort to improve recognition and response to sepsis in the Australian healthcare system, a National Sepsis Clinical Care Standard has been developed and released by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare in partnership with Sepsis Australia and The George Institute for Global Health. The goal of the sepsis standard is to ensure patients presenting to any health care setting with signs and symptoms of sepsis receive the optimal care, from symptom onset through to discharge from hospital into the community.”

Find out more about the National Sepsis Clinical Care Standard.