Sepsis Australia has partnered with Continulus to provide a dedicated sepsis education digital platform for health professionals to access live, on demand and interactive training resources to improve recognition, awareness, clinical care and post sepsis support for recovery to optimise outcomes and reduce the burden of sepsis.
Global Sepsis Alliance
Throughout 9 distinctive sessions, globally renowned clinicians, researchers, experts, and thought leaders covered the need for early diagnosis and treatment of sepsis in surgical patients, data, AI, and predictive modelling in sepsis, how hypervolemia increases the mortality rate in sepsis, the role of biomarkers, detecting sepsis in ventilated patients, paediatric sepsis, including the new ‘Phoenix Criteria’, as well as personalised approaches to sepsis management.
The Sepsis Clinical Care Standard was launched via webcast on Thursday, 30 June 2022. Broadcaster and commentator Julie McCrossin AM, led an engaging discussion about the early recognition of sepsis and rapid assessment and treatment, and post-sepsis syndrome, with expert panellists Dr Carolyn Hullick, Professor Simon Finfer AO, Associate Professor Paula Lister and Dr Lorraine Anderson. The Standard was launched by Professor Villis Marshall AC.
bioMérieux is a global leader in the field diagnostic solutions to improve public health. They offer free-access medical education resources designed to bring you relevant, up-to-date and non-promotional medical and scientific content that may contribute to better patient outcomes and improve public health. Watch webinars and tutorials, follow online courses and read educational booklets developed in collaboration with renowned medical and scientific experts to discover and learn more about the critical role of diagnostics in the detection, identification and diagnosis of disease and appropriate patient management.
Sepsis, a silent killer, is considered a medical emergency. It is the leading treatable cause of mortality globally projected to claim more than 6 million people worldwide (Burrell et al., 2016; Lester et al., 2018). It is time critical to promptly recognise the warning signs of sepsis and respond appropriately to achieve improved patient outcome. The aim of this module is to help improve awareness relating to the early recognition and treatment of sepsis, to reduce patient harm and improve safety.
Learning outcomes:
- identify the early signs and symptoms of sepsis
- initiate timely and appropriate interventions
- reflect upon critical thinking and decision-making skills in relation to the care and management of the patient with sepsis
- demonstrate knowledge of the latest guidelines and principles underpinning a supportive care approach to sepsis.
Online at your own pace (Course duration 4 CPD hours)
This health training course is designed to address the management of sepsis as a community health problem. A separate module is available for Inpatient. A certificate is issued on completion.
- Recognise that sepsis is a medical emergency
- Identify the risk factors, signs and symptoms of sepsis
- Outline the escalation of the septic patient
- Define the initial management actions for sepsis
- Discuss the requirements for 48-hour sepsis management
This course is applicable for all NSW Health Clinical Staff and may qualify for up to 1.0 hrs of Continuous Professional Development.
Paediatric sepsis education can be found at:
- Webinars – Children’s Health Queensland – Peadiatric Sepsis Series
- National Forum – Best Sepsis Care for our Kids – A National Forum for Paediatric Sepsis Week 2023
- Video – IV Fluid Resuscitation in the septic patient (Jan 2015) NSW – CEC: IV fluids
- Video – Lactate: How sick is your patient? (Jan 2015) NSW – CEC: Lactate
- Online Training – Paediatric & Adult Sepsis Kills Program (Inpatient) NSW – CEC – HETI: Inpatient sepsis training
- Online Training – Paediatric & Adult – Sepsis Kills Program (Emergency) NSW – CEC – HETI: Sepsis in ED training
Training Module Description – Sepsis a leading cause of death in hospitalised patients. Despite the magnitude of sepsis cases and the global efforts already underway to educate healthcare workers, the need for basic sepsis education still exists. The reason for this is likely multi-factorial, and impacted by both the increasing number of new nurses and by the evolving specialties of existing nurses. Nurses commonly witness the initial changes in a patient’s signs and symptoms which may indicate that an infection is developing into sepsis. Since this condition is difficult to identify, especially in the early stages when treatment is most effective, robust critical thinking skills and practice are necessary. This training module will fill the need for ongoing, readily accessible, accurate education on the fundamentals of sepsis for nursing students, new graduate nurses, nurses desiring a refresher, and nurses changing their specialisation.
Learning Objectives
- Demonstrate an understanding of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS), sepsis/severe sepsis, and septic shock
- Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of early recognition and treatment for patients with sepsis/severe sepsis and septic shock
- Review the interventions to treat sepsis/severe sepsis and septic shock
- Identify actions required by the nurse to facilitate appropriate care for patients with sepsis/severe sepsis and septic shock.
Welcome to the Australian Sepsis Grand Round (ASGR), a free online event series dedicated to advancing best-practice sepsis care and fostering collaboration among healthcare professionals.
Since its inception in 2021, the ASGR has been a source of knowledge exchange and professional development. Formerly known as the Victorian Sepsis Grand Round, Alfred Health and Sepsis Australia are proud to present this initiative, which unites clinicians from Australia and around the globe in the pursuit of excellence in sepsis management.
The ASGR provides a platform for clinicians involved in sepsis care to explore, debate, and showcase Australia’s world-class treatment, expertise, and resources. Through national collaborations, we curate and deliver diverse programs centered on pioneering research and medical practice that drives innovation in sepsis care.
Replay the Grand Rounds using the links below.
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