Sepsis is life threatening…if concerned, seek advice immediately and ask #coulditbesepsis?
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Our Story

At the heart of Sepsis Australia is the Australian Sepsis Network (ASN) – a dedicated network focused on collaboration, cooperation, and co-design to combat the impact of sepsis. It is our collaborating partners in states and territories, professional organisations, clinical champions and our invaluable consumer partners that provide us with leadership and examples of best practice that we strive to leverage, emulate and propagate. That is key to success.

Sepsis Australia does not duplicate the efforts of its collaborating organisations but rather provides an avenue through which members can collaborate, better disseminate knowledge, raise awareness in the community, prevent sepsis and improve outcomes.

Our Mission

To reduce the burden of sepsis by:

  • Advocating for early diagnosis and treatment of sepsis
  • Raising awareness
  • National coordination and collaboration
  • Initiating and supporting quality improvement
  • Partnering with survivors, loved ones and those bereaved 
  • Promulgating evidenced based best clinical practice for early recognition, detection, treatment and post sepsis care
  • Delivering education, resources and building research capacity

Support survivors, loved ones and those bereaved of sepsis by:

  • Informing and educating about sepsis and its consequences
  • Advocating for coordinated acute care and post sepsis support
  • Supporting community advocacy, engagement and support

Our Team

Sepsis Australia is hosted by The George Institute for Global Health which provides necessary infrastructure and in-kind operational support. Sepsis Australia is strategically managed by Professor Simon Finfer AO and operationally by Dr Brett Abbenbroek.


Director and Professional Fellow, Director of Sepsis Australia and Asia Pacific Sepsis Alliance


(RN, BN, MN (CRIT. CARE), MPH (WITH MERIT) PHD) Program Head, Critical Care Program and Sepsis Australia, Treasurer, Asia Pacific Sepsis Alliance


(RN BSC MPH PHD) Program Manager Sepsis Australia & Asia Pacific Sepsis Alliance, Executive Board Global Sepsis Alliance


Research Fellow, Sepsis Australia, Critical Care Program


Digital Engagement and Events Coordinator


Digital Engagement and Events Coordinator

Our Work

Sepsis Australia works within the framework of the Stopping Sepsis National Action Plan that guides our overarching strategies and specific projects and activities aimed at improving sepsis recognition, treatment and support to reduce the burden of disease and promote optimal outcomes to ensure sepsis survivors, their families, carers and loved ones, and those families bereaved of sepsis can regain their best quality of life.

Collaborating organisations

Join us today to make a difference in the fight against sepsis

Together, we can raise awareness, drive research, and save lives.