Sepsis Signs and Symptoms Infants
Sepsis can cause more rapid deterioration in young children and infants. It may not be a single symptom but a combination of changes in symptoms and your concern you child is looking or feeling worse than usual, when generally unwell with no obvious reason. Seek urgent medical care if your child has:
- convulsions or fits
- rapid breathing
- discoloured skin, very pale or bluish
- a rash that doesn’t fade when you press it
- fever OR very low temperature
- not passing urine (or no wet nappy) for several hours
- vomiting repeatedly
- not feeding
If you or your child have any of the symptoms listed and are concerned, seek medical help and call 000 if a sudden change occurs. Importantly, If you have been reviewed by a Doctor or Nurse and sent home but you or your child is not improving, and you are concerned then return immediately to the Emergency Department and ask, “could it be sepsis?”